Was 9/11UndergroundNuclearDemolition Aimed at Triggering A Mechanism Focused on Demographic Change in Iraq Leaving it a Shia Dominated Country?
All of 779 prisoners held at Gitmo since the prison opened including three Iranians were Sunnis http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/2011/05/15/wikileaks-the-unknown-prisoners-of-guantanamo-part-one-of-five/
Difference Between Shia & Sunni Belief Evidently Explained
We can avoid confusions arising from conflicting info available about individual personalities/events and focus on the consensus info. available about the origin of the sect, foundation principles and distinct beliefs to get a better idea of traditional group motivations and alliances. Shia belief that an earthly man, Imam , has the final divine authority to rule the world connects Shia's with Vatican Catholic cult originally called Melkites. Iranian constitution clearly gives the final authority to make/approve laws to Imams called Marja al-Taqlid ( meaning Authority to be followed) like the Rome's Holy See, Ref: http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t125/e1437 & Article I Constituition of IRan,http://www.iranonline.com/iran/iran-info/government/constitution-1.html
Sunni belief system does not allow any person today to claim as divinely authorized to ask blind obedience. For details on Sunni beliefs about the equal human rights see http://muhammad-asad.com/Principles-State-Government-Islam.pdf and http://www.arfaglobal.com/p/the-islamic-state-by-amin-ahsan-islahi.html
What Does This Mean In Current Global Politics
This makes Sunnis dangerous outlaws for the Jesuit Vatican led new world order mechanics. To completely root our resistance to them all over the world for their plan. Jesuits seemed to have focused on destroying Sunnis as they are clearly sympathizers of their arch enemy followers of Luther in the west.
US Role In Manipulation Census & Electoral Data To Undermine Sunni Majority in Iraq
FARUQ ZIADA has detailed that U.S. continuously accepts false data provided by its appointed shia allies in Iraq that the Sunnis are a minority and the Shiites are a majority in Iraq. It is very clear from the official numbers taken from the results of the elections of January 31, 2005, and December 15, 2005, that: the Sunnis are 60–62 % of the population of Iraq (42-44% Arab, and 16-18% Kurd and Turk Iraqis), and only 38–40 % are Shiites. FARUQ ZIADA served as an ambassador in Iraq’s Foreign Ministry from 1992 to 2000. http://www.counterpunch.org/2006/12/27/is-there-a-sunni-majority-in-iraq/
US handled by Jesuits Planned Killing Sunnis As many As They Can
How Julian Assange Exposed That US Presidents Are Agents of Jesuits Vatican Intelligence: See here these Wikileaked Whitehouse cables show US presidents consistently reject recommendations prepared by US Admin experts after meticulous investigations without explanation
US installed Iran-CIA agent, current(July 2020) Iraq VP & former PM Nouri al-Maliki since US invasion 2003. He opposed Saddam’s secularism, took asylum in Iran in 80s. Returned after US occupied Iraq & US installed him as a fixed pillar in the ruling regime Iraq
How USA works for Mullahs of Iran: From left to right: Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Hadi al-Amiri (Iraqi Shiite militia leader Badr, Iraqi MP, former Iraqi transport minister) and Nouri al-Maliki (ex-Iraqi PM), in uniform of the' #Iran during the war against Iraq in 1980-1988. https://t.co/pcsWC3uHGP pic.twitter.com/4oFe3wGS7n
— Ehsan Butt (@Ehsan_Butt) May 29, 2020
29Aug2005-Qassem Soleimani, Iranian with special US security clearance to roam in Iraq: told Iraqi PM Al-Abadi "Without us you can′t achieve anything!" Fmr US installed iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki, also present, nodded in agreementhttps://t.co/4I4B8bgLb7https://t.co/n3rG5C2uUb
— Ehsan Butt (@Ehsan_Butt) January 3, 2020
Shia Sunni Rivalry's Long Running History of Muslims
Since 10th Century Fatimid Ismailis Shia established their Shia rule in Egypt after burning down Sunni capital Fustat and developed a new city Cairo with Shia propaganda center Al-Azhar.
Points Supported by the Evidence In This Thesis: Middle East Wars teach Lincoln's sons & daughters the lesson: world is in control of Rome & Its Mafia & Luther's Sympathizers Are Being Hunted. US deep state run by Jesuits is using US blood & money freely to create a Jesuit den in Iraq for their increased global destruction.
Links to Supporting Evidence & Summary: https://cruxnow.com/church/2016/01/26/the-bond-between-the-vatican-and-iran-is-a-partnership-destined-to-endure … http://www.arfaglobal.com/p/the-only.html NeoCon's US bought shia's to destroy Sunnis in Afghanistan & Iraq http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/issues/january-29th-2016/why-iran-is-really-cosying-up-to-the-vatican/ … https://twitter.com/Ehsan_Butt/status/771481088808058881 … Shia-Centric State Building and Sunni Rejection in Post-2003 Iraq http://ceip.org/2bf9iXp via @CarnegieEndow Weaponized Jesuit controlled Academia targets Iraq Sunni insurgents leaving Shia demigod Imam Sistani/militias http://www.mizanproject.org/journal/http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2016/02/13/us-supported-shia-militias-in-iraq-lead-ethnic-cleansing/#.V3tmhKlOqNo.twitter…
Both mainstream & alternate media repeat alQaeda/ISIS myths against facts incl: ONLY Sunnis R target & resisting foreign & their puppet's aggression. Jesuit Academia completely controlling both of its media babies and putting its words into their mouths. Watch this video to see that all those journalists who have only known the Islamic State through third hand and from known liars are adamant not to reconsider their views despite listening about many things completely opposite from a Journalist who visited the Islamic State & stayed with them. All western academia & media has taken a stand to deny the public direct info and verified facts about both ISIS and 9/11UndergroundWTCNukingWithInnocentAmericansAlive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSZ5HfB8Bp0
Afghanistan invasion in this scenario is a ploy to confuse investigators about the central plan and main objective of all the actions right from 9/11UndergroundNuclearDemolition. Sunnies elimination or deep subjugation in a Shia dominated state of Iraq will be a wedge that basically divide Sunnies of Asia in north south zones.
US incite Sunnies while pushing them in corner with leaving no option for them to resist and then blowing them to pieces with hard blows and presenting excuse of their being main problem for peace. It is common sense that had US been serious of any reform in Iraq it would have supported some section of serious Iraqi intellectuals active in democratic civil liberation. Us could have used such reformation through media to convince the public about the movement and have forced Saddam not to prosecute internal emerging voices on the basis of human rights.
"most of the coup attempts against Saddam Hussein were led by Sunni Arab officers. If there was one group that suffered from repeated executions throughout Iraq‟s history, particularly under Saddam Hussein‟s rule, it was the Sunni Arab officers. " p-45 DISBANDING AND REBUILDING THE IRAQI ARMY: THE HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE by Ibrahim Al-Marashi, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 3 (September 2007) http://www.rubincenter.org/meria/2007/09/5.pdf
Similar to Military disbanding was the action of firing 28,000 Iraqi teachers termed as political punishment for their former membership in the Saddam Hussein-dominated Baath Party.
"with the Sunnis sidelined, the Shiite, who have strong links to Chalabi, gained in power even though leading Shiite religious parties such as SCIRI and al-Dawa closely connected to Iranian security services." Bremer Fires 28,000 Iraqi School Teachers By Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent 11-21-3 http://www.rense.com/general45/ewrw.htm
"I think Chalabi's group is permeated with Iranian influence," said former CIA counterterrorism chief Vince Cannistraro. It is not difficult to see the aim behind both of the above actions to cleanse future Iraqi society from the Sunni participation and its affects.
The actions of US including imposing shia Iraqi led people in all the key government positions were exactly opposite, all indicating US determination of Suuni ethnic cleansing. The disbanding of Iraqi army is a specific
Sunni Areas of Iraq Are Being Defaced of Their Symbols of Sunni Heitage Iconic-statue of Al-Mansur eigth century Sunni founder of Baghdad was blown up after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003. US puppet Iraqi government and Shiite militias of driving out Sunnis from Baghdad neighborhoods. http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/201220141
On This Battlefield, the U.S. and Iran Work Hand in Hand Michael Pregent, "American intelligence and fighter jets are being used in Iraq to further the ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran", US. is a de facto ally of Iranian forces in Iraq http://www.thetower.org/article/on-this-battlefield-the-u-s-and-iran-work-hand-in-hand/
US Private Mercenaries In Iraq Supporing Shia Against Sunnis https://sonsoflibertyinternational.com/about/
About Sons of Liberty International title image Background Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) was founded by international security analyst Matthew VanDyke in recognition of the failure of the international community and governments to adequately protect the defenseless and support those struggling for freedom around the world. There needed to be an organization capable of on-the-ground action to help those whom the international system had failed. SOLI was created to enable those abandoned by the international community to take action in defense of themselves and their people, and to combat those forces that seek to harm and oppress them. MISSION STATEMENT Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) provides free security consulting, training, supplies, and other services to vulnerable populations to enable them to defend themselves against terrorists and insurgents. We provide these services to communities that would otherwise not be able to afford them. SOLI is not incorporated as a non-profit, but it operates on a non-profit business model and with transparency regarding its expenses. SOLI is revenue-neutral and relies on public funding. Free Security Services Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) is the first security contracting firm to provide security contracting and military training on a non-profit business model. Financial support from the public currently accounts for 100% of the organization’s funding and all services are provided free to threatened and oppressed communities.
SOLI relies on the generous support of the public to continue its mission of providing consulting and training to protect the innocent from terrorism around the world. Support Us The Nine Principals title image SOLI OPERATES BASED ON NINE CORE PRINCIPLES AND GOALS
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After Vatican intelligence, the Jesuit network, informed Pope of imminent US action against Syrian dictator Assad to stop massacre of Sunni's of Syria especially in Aleppo Pope protects dictator Assad "We, Jesuits...wish with all our hearts that the threatened attack on Syria does not take place"
http://harpazo.proboards.com/thread/16241/warns-barack-military-strike-futile?utm_campaign=crowdfire&utm_content=crowdfire&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter US overlooks US Supported Shia Militia, Hashd Al-Shaabi, Commander Confirms It Is a Proxy of Iran under Its Ayatulla http://www.ncr-iran.org/en/news/terrorism-fundamentalism/22492-iraq-disturbing-confession-by-hashd-al-shaabi-commander-confirms-it-is-a-proxy-of-iran
http://harpazo.proboards.com/thread/16241/warns-barack-military-strike-futile?utm_campaign=crowdfire&utm_content=crowdfire&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter US overlooks US Supported Shia Militia, Hashd Al-Shaabi, Commander Confirms It Is a Proxy of Iran under Its Ayatulla http://www.ncr-iran.org/en/news/terrorism-fundamentalism/22492-iraq-disturbing-confession-by-hashd-al-shaabi-commander-confirms-it-is-a-proxy-of-iran
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